Our Mission and Inspiration

Hello! I’m Anvex.

My ambition is to be the most innovative app for personal education services that helps students find top-qualified UK tutors. Theoretically, I’m an app, practically, I’m more than that.

There is nothing more reassuring than to know that you can rely on an expert tutor to help you achieve your learning goals. But what happens if I don't know where to start? Well, that’s why I was created.

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Our Mission

We launched Anvex to deliver valuable educational services anywhere in the world with access to our top-qualified UK based tutors as we believe all students deserve extraordinary lessons.

At Anvex, tutors are passionate about their subjects which inspires students to achieve their learning goals. Anvex helps you, the Tutor, to get a better pay, a flexible working schedule and continuous support and you, the Student, to get accessible, reliable and valuable personal education services.

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Let Anvex tutors help you

Gaining valuable one-to-one online tuition is essential. Anvex is a trusted app which allows you to get back priceless time while our tutors help you achieve your learning goals. You can use the app to book a tutor for you or for your loved ones.

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The Anvex student promise

We are on a mission to be the most student centric mobile app. In essence, we ensure that all services requested on our platform are being handled with the utmost attention and respect by our approved tutors.

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The Anvex result

Anvex is more than an app. There is only one mission in mind when it comes to students' lessons expectations - a Five Star Experience. It’s certainly not alway easy to deliver extraordinary services, but it’s definitely worth it every single time.

Our Inspiration

Something didn’t feel right in the world of personal education services. As students, we found ourselves frustrated with all the times we couldn’t find a personal education service for our loved ones or ourselves. All the hours we spent travelling to a tutors' location instead of doing online lessons, all the frustration because a lesson wasn't delivered as expected, all of these bad experiences and so on just because a reliable personal education service was not available when we needed it the most.

And guess what? Not only us, the customers, but also the tutors have experienced similar bad experiences such as getting paid sub-minimum wages, or not paid at all because the student didn't turn up to the lesson and so on. It doesn’t feel right, does it?

We are worldwide

Sounds good?

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